Attorney authorized to practice before the higher jurisdictions, full professor of criminal procedural law at Bocconi University in Milan.
He primarily practices in the field of criminal law related to the economy, professions, and business; criminal law of the environment, construction, and urban planning; workplace safety; tax criminal law; corporate, financial, and bankruptcy criminal law; criminal law of public administration; as well as corporate criminal liability, providing assistance to client companies in both legal defense and consultancy for the development and verification of organizational models for crime prevention.
He has, in particular, acquired a deep knowledge of the industry sector – and in particular of the construction sector – also thanks to the nearly thirty years of experience in consulting for CONFINDUSTRIA and ANCE, as well as in assisting construction companies associated with them.
He teaches criminal procedure at the Bocconi University of Milan, where he holds courses in Criminal procedural law and Criminal procedure of entities in the Master of Science in Law degree program.
He is a lecturer at the Pavia-Bocconi School of Specialization for Legal Professions, as well as in numerous courses offered by public and private training institutions (Higher School of Judiciary, Forensic Schools of the Bar Associations and the National Forensic Council, Training School of the Union of Italian Criminal Chambers, Training Institutes of major national entrepreneurial organizations such as Confindustria, ANCE, and others).
He participates as a speaker in conferences organized by scientific institutions and national and international bodies on the topics related to criminal law and criminal trial.
He is the author of numerous publications (monographs, contributions to collective volumes, and articles in leading sector journals), primarily dedicated to the topics of the right to defense, personal and real precautionary measures, appeals, criminal execution, corporate criminal liability, and preventive measures.
He is a member of scientific committees and review boards of legal journals and prominent national and international study centers.
He served as a member of the Interministerial Study Commission for the reform of the regulation on corporate liability under Legislative Decree 231/2001, appointed in 2016 by Ministers Andrea Orlando (Justice) and Pier Carlo Padoan (Economy).