Avv. Giovanna Ceresa-Gastaldo

She obtained her Master’s degree in Law from the University of Genoa in December 2015, graduating with honors (110/110 cum laude). Her thesis in Penitentiary Law was titled “Un’importante sentenza della Corte Europea (Torreggiani c. Italia) e le sue immediate ripercussioni sulla legislazione nazionale”, under the supervision of Professor Franco Della Casa.

Since October 2018, she has been registered with the Genoa Bar Association and practices law at the Ceresa-Gastaldo Law Firm. Her main areas of focus include criminal law of the economy, professions, and business; criminal law of the environment, construction, and urban planning; workplace safety; tax criminal law; bankruptcy criminal law; criminal law of public administration; corporate criminal liability; and offenses against public safety.

She follows with particular attention the profiles related to organizational modeling for the prevention of crimes in the corporate environment, participating in team consulting activities aimed at the design, implementation and verification of preventive systems under Legislative Decree 231/2001.

She attended at the University of Milan the Advanced Course “Il d.lgs. n. 231/2001: responsabilità da reato degli enti e compliance aziendale“, coordinated by Prof. Carlenrico Paliero. 

She serves as a member of both individual and collective supervisory bodies in various companies, primarily operating in the construction and logistics sectors.

She is a founding member of the Association “Centro Studi per la Legalità d’Impresa”.

She is a member of Ligurian Regional Criminal Chamber “Ernesto Monteverde”. She is a member of AIGA, the Italian Association of Yong Lawyers.