Avv. Francesca Ceresa-Gastaldo

She graduated with honors and distinction (110 e lode e dignità di stampa) from the University of Genoa with a degree in Philosophy of Law, with a thesis entitled “Il Giudice e la macchina: dall’intuizione all’algoritmo?”, supervised by Professor Realino Marra.

She was admitted to the bar in November 2022 and is registered with the Genoa Bar Association. She specializes in criminal tax law, bankruptcy law, public administration law, environmental law, construction and urban planning law, economic and corporate criminal law, occupational safety law, corporate criminal liability and public security offenses.

She also has expertise in the areas of intersection between criminal law and international law, which she acquired through academic and professional experience abroad, such as in Slovenia, Serbia and France. In December 2021 she graduated from the postgraduate Master’s in International Protection of Human Rights “Maria Rita Saulle” at the University La Sapienza in Rome, obtaining the highest marks. She has also attended specialized courses organized by the Union of Lawyers for Human Rights and the Master’s in Socio-legal Studies at the University of the Basque Country and the International Institute of Sociology of Law.

She speaks at conferences organized by scientific institutions and national and international legal entities. She authored publications on environmental issues and the use of artificial intelligence in judicial processes. She is a member of editorial boards of scientific journals.

She is fluent in English, French and Spanish.