Born in Genoa on March 29, 1990, after graduating from high school with highest honors, she obtained a degree in Law from the University of Genoa, with a score of 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis in criminal law entitled “Criminalità informatica: reati contro il patrimonio”, under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Pisa.
In October 2016 she obtained the license to practice law, winning the award “Clori Iovine Riccio Tabassi” instituted by A.I.G.A., awarded to the youngest newly qualified lawyer in the district of the Court of Appeal of Genoa.
In May 2020, she obtained the degree of Doctor of Research in Criminal Law at the University of Genoa, defending a doctoral thesis entitled “Tutela dell’onore e Internet: tra vecchi problemi e tentativi di riforma”.
Since February 2021, she has been a part of the Ceresa-Gastaldo Law Firm, primarily focusing on criminal law of the economy; environment, construction, and urban planning; workplace safety; tax and bankruptcy criminal law; criminal law of public administration; as well as corporate criminal liability.
In November 2021, she was awarded a research grant in criminal law at the University of Genoa, on the subject on “Tutela della libertà di espressione nell’epoca di internet e delle fake news”, under the supervision of Professor Federico Consulich.
She has been a member of Supervisory Boards of several companies operating in the construction and waste sectors.
She is a founding member of the Association “Centro Studi per la legalità d’Impresa” and has authored several publications in scientific journals on criminal law.