Practice Areas

Practice Areas

The law firm has been working in the field of criminal labour and safety law for many years, providing qualified assistance to employers, managers and supervisors of companies, as well as to technical professionals working in the field of health and safety at work and to clients.

The firm’s lawyers are experts in machinery directives and compliance with essential safety requirements by manufacturers and sellers of machinery.

Their activities range from consultancy and training on accident prevention to the defence of individuals and companies, including those covered by Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, in criminal proceedings for negligent acts (manslaughter and unintentional injuries).

The firm’s clients are mainly large, medium and small companies operating mainly (but not exclusively) in the construction, maritime and shipbuilding sectors

The firm has extensive experience in the field of environmental, construction and urban planning criminal law.

The firm’s professionals assist individuals and companies in proceedings initiated by the Italian Public Prosecution Service for environmental offences as provided for and punished by the Criminal Code and Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 (Environmental Code). They also deal with criminal proceedings for breaches of building and town planning regulations under Presidential Decree no. 44/2001 (Consolidated Building Code) and Legislative Decree no. 42/2004 (Landscape Code).

The firm’s professionals have extensive experience in the area of fiscal criminal law, acting both as defense counsel for individuals and, following the inclusion of fiscal offences in the list of predicate offences under Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 by Law no. 157/2019 and Legislative Decree no. 75/2020, in criminal proceedings for the offences defined by Legislative Decree no. 74/2000.

The firm is highly specialized in the field of corporate criminal law and has specific and well-established expertise in corporate and bankruptcy criminal law.

The firm’s professionals provide assistance and defence in all proceedings relating to offences previously regulated by Title VI of Royal Decree No. 267/1942 (Bankruptcy Law), now incorporated in the new Business Crisis and Insolvency Law, including simple or fraudulent bankruptcy, property offences, document offences, preference offences, as well as corporate offences regulated by Title XI of Book V of the Civil Code (Articles 2621-2642 of the Civil Code).

The firm is highly specialised in crimes against public safety, such as negligent disasters, railway disasters, fires, landslides, building collapses and infrastructure accidents.

In recent years, the firm has acted as defence counsel in a number of high-profile cases, such as the Viareggio disaster and the Morandi bridge collapse.

The firm has qualified experience in crimes against public administration, defending both individuals and public officials or employees in criminal proceedings for crimes such as embezzlement, misappropriation of public funds, corruption, abuse of office, bid rigging, fraud in public procurement, criminal association, falsification of public documents or electronic documents.

The firm has been working in the area of corporate criminal liability for many years, defending companies in criminal proceedings aimed at establishing offences and applying “administrative” sanctions. The firm also advises and assists in the preparation and review of organizational models for the prevention of crime, in synergy with experts in risk assessment and organizational management.

The firm’s professionals are members of the supervisory bodies of various companies and public economic entities.

Professor Ceresa-Gastaldo was a member of the interministerial committee appointed by the Ministers of Justice (Orlando) and Economy (Padoan) in 2016 to study the reform of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. He is the author of numerous academic publications on the subject and teaches “Corporate Criminal Procedure” in the Master of Laws at Bocconi University in Milan.

The firm has particular expertise in maritime and customs law, a particularly technical and sensitive area governed by technical regulations and special laws interwoven with codified provisions.

In particular, the firm’s professionals assist shipowners and crews involved in criminal proceedings related to accidents on board or in ports, environmental crimes, customs violations, etc.

They also deal with safety on board, which is regulated not only by Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 on the protection of health and safety at work, but also by Legislative Decree no. 271/1999 on the health and safety regulations for maritime workers. They offer their experience not only to clients operating in Genoa, known as one of the most important Italian ports, but also to clients operating in other ports throughout the country.

Dinanzi all’esponenziale aumento dei reati connessi all’informazione, determinato dallo sviluppo delle moderne tecnologie e della rete internet, lo Studio ha assicurato la difesa sia di privati che abbiano subito lesioni della propria reputazione attraverso gli organi di stampa o a mezzo della rete internet, sia di giornalisti e/o direttori responsabili di periodici coinvolti in processi per diffamazione.

Inoltre, a fronte della sempre più diffusa commissione di reati informatici (truffe online, accessi abusivi a sistemi informatici, furti d’identità, soprattutto a mezzo social network, ecc.) e di reati in materia di protezione dei dati personali, anche alla luce della riforma del c.d. “codice privacy” operata dal GDPR, lo studio ha maturato una notevole esperienza nell’assistenza in procedimenti penali relativi a tali forme di aggressione della persona e del patrimonio.